Tuesday 1 October 2024

life long resolutions!

On December 6th 1849, William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army wrote his “Resolutions”. He was 20 years old. They became for him a measure by which he judged the fruitfulness of his Christian life over the next six decades. They are worth pondering and, in my humble opinion, emulating

  1. That I will rise every morning sufficiently early to wash, dress, and have a few minutes, not less than five, in private prayer.
  1. That I will, as much as possible, avoid all that babbling and idle talk, in which I have so lately so sinfully indulged.
  1. That I will endeavour in my conduct and deportment before the world and my fellow servants especially to conduct myself as a humble, meek and zealous follower of Christ, and by serious conversation and warning endeavour to lead them to think of their immortal souls.
  1. That I will read no less than four chapters of God’s Word every day.
  1. That I will strive to live closer to God, and to seek after holiness of heart and leave providential events with God.
  1. That I will read over this every day or at least twice a week.

He concluded his “Resolutions” in the following way, “I feel my own weakness, and without God’s help I shall not keep these resolutions. The Lord have mercy on my soul.”

I believe that every Christian who has ever grown in their knowledge of God and become effective for him in this world has had a similar aim as William Booth. How should we then live?

We ought to aspire to the Apostle Paul’s teaching to the Colossians believers:

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (2:6-7).

(Picture - short ferry crossing to the Island of Easdale)


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