Sunday, 2 March 2025

job interview

 I’m sure at one point or another each of us has wondered what it would be like to sit down with a person in history and chat to them about their life and times.

Who would you like to converse with?

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve imagined what it would be like to meet with Job over a cup of coffee (has to be a Flat White!) and ask him to reflect on his life experience.

Here’s what I saw of that conversation in my mind’s eye…

Me. I get the sense from reading your book that family was a deeply important part of your life. As you look back over your early journey, what values mattered most to you around the home you were building?

Job. When I recollect those precious years watching my family grow up, one thing stood out. I describe it in the following way, “God’s intimate friendship blessed my house” (1). I had a very strong sense that I was in the slipstream of his plan for my life. Marriage was his design and my children were the gracious gift from that union. 

More than anything I longed that my children would follow God’s purpose for their lives. I often rose early in the morning with the sole intention of committing them into God’s hands and asking him that there would never be a time when they did not walk with him (2). That’s why my heart was so utterly broken when they were wrenched out of my life.  

Me. I won’t pretend that I can in anyway understand the crushing loss you experienced. How do you look back on those desolate times?

Job. The pain was unimaginable. The truth is that I could barely function. The veil of suffering was so heavy upon me that I lay down in utter desolation under a suffocating cloak of deep darkness. 

Me. It seems to me that there were times when you got very close to saying, “I tried to be a good person but what good did it do me”. However, you never quite got to that point. What drew you back from going there?

Job. Put simply tiny shafts of light would on occasions pierce the inky blackness of my circumstances. Somehow in those moments I knew that God knew…and that brought me glimmers of hope (3).

Something else happened that I cannot fully explain or clearly articulate. This also gave me reason to hope. In the shadows I sensed the coming of Someone who would vindicate and restore me. It almost seemed that God himself would step into my world. Can you imagine how remarkable that would be? I sensed that this One would listen to my cries of abandonment and bring a level of comfort that I so desperately longed for (4).

Me. The wonderful truth is that you emerged from the dark tunnel of suffering into bright light of day. I expect that it took a while for your eyes to focus again. When they did, what did you see?

Job. It was actually more what I heard! Having lived so long in season when God was silent (5), how my heart was lifted when I eventually heard God speak…And speak to me! (6). Over period of around 12 minutes he took me on a virtual tour of the universe. I will never forget the illuminating truths that unfolded as he gave his perspective on the world that I live in; its balance, its order, its wonder (7). God spoke and I fell silent. All my protestations were put to one side for a moment as the majesty of God’s character filled my horizons.

Me. That must have been a truly remarkable time. However, it doesn’t appear that God answered the question that dominated much of your thinking, “Why?”

Job. Well, no, that much is true. If I’m honest that thought still enters my mind at times. However, something deeper and more profound happened as God led me across the highest heavens and plunged me into the deepest depths of the oceans. I realised that I had spoken without knowledge. I was uttering mysteries that no human can ever truly fathom. My goal moving forward is to live by faith believing in a bigger and better story for my life. I say this because my encounter with God led me from mere head knowledge about him into a deep experiential experience of his presence in my life (8). 

Me. Thank you for sharing those insights. As you look back over your long journey are you able sum up in a short sentence what you have learned?

Job. I once described it like this, “God knows the way that I take” (9) I know that God knows! He knowledge is infinite (10). His ability to redeem is boundless (11) and his love is eternal (12).

1. Job 29:4

2. Job 1:5

3. Job 23:10

4. Job 19:25

5. Job 30:20

6. Job 38:1

7. Job 38-41

8. Job 42:5

9. Job 23:10

10. Job 42:1-3

11. Job 19:25

12. Job 29:4

As I listen to this song I think about Job…