The final talk in the series, 'Let
the Prophets Speak' was given by Martin Allen who was minister of Chryston
Parish Church, Glasgow for over 30 years. He chose to speak on the subject of revival in the church. He has studied
this phenomenon for many years and packed a great deal into a relatively short
Martin based his talk around the asking of four questions.
1. Why study revival?
He believes there is a
contemporary reason for looking at it. We have witnessed a massive decline
in church attendance over the last five decades. We need God to move through
his church in order to reverse this trend.
2. What is revival?
(a) It is, firstly, a
biblical happening. It is well illustrated in the unfolding story of the
Acts of the Apostles. There are times or periods of Holy Spirit inspired refreshment
for the people of God (Acts 3:19).
(b) There is a specific
focus as far as the meaning of revival is concerned. Martin quoted Iain
Murray who said, 'Revival is the
experiencing of larger measures of the Spirit of God.'
(c) There are also consistent
characteristics that can be identified in revival.
To explain this he drew on the teaching of J.I. Packer who
identified four family traits that
can be found in genuine revival.
In revival:
(i) God comes down
God is always present with his people but there are times when
his revealed or ‘felt’ presence envelopes a people. To quote
Duncan Campbell in his description of the Lewis Revival of the 1950s, it was 'a community saturated with God.'
(ii) God's Word comes home
In particular, it appears that preachers are gripped by the character of Jesus and the irresistible attractiveness of his grace. Hearers are overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.
(iii) God's purity comes
There is an awareness of
our sinfulness and the need of
(iv) God's people come
There is a new energy for
worship and service in the
(d) There are, lastly, invariable
consequences of revival. There is a great increase of numbers in the church
and there is a decline in general crime within the community.
3. When does revival occur?
Heartfelt prayer often precedes revival. However, we must submit
to the sovereignty of God.
4. How can we respond?
At a personal level Martin
urged us not to seek revival but rather to seek
The church response
should be the honouring of the Holy
Spirit. By this he means that the church gives itself absolutely to prayer
and preaching, ongoing pastoral care and creative outreach.